Game Jargon Definition: "Lightest Touch"

Lightest Touch (noun, adjective) – light·est touch /lītest təCH/

Lightest Touch refers to a system of LARP combat regarding safety and the force of blows. In a Lightest Touch system, any strike upon an opponent, no matter how light, is deemed effective. Furthermore, hitting an opponent harder than necessary is forbidden. Using a Lightest Touch system eliminates the issue of players ignoring physical hits they believe landed without sufficient force. This discourages LARP combatants from using excessive force and injuring other players. Since determining how hard is “too hard” is subjective and varies from person to person, in a Lightest Touch game, the possibility of hurting other players through the force of blows is reduced, as bruising an opponent is considered unacceptable.

Our very own, Rick Hendricks, using the Lightest Touch system. Not a bad way to kill a day . . . and opponents!


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