Street Fighter: The Miniatures Game

PeteSteele: Remember that video game they turned into a movie and then into a video game version of the movie? Well, it’s a board game now, complete with cardboard terrain, decks of cards, and character miniatures. M. Bison is not included in the base game, but is in the Boss Expansion (2021).

M.Bison: Ah! The road not taken. But why? Why do they still call me a warlord? And mad? All I want to do is to create the perfect genetic soldier!

PeteSteele: Uh . . . yeah, Blanka is not in the base game either, dude. Why are you so insistent on that?

M.Bison: Not for power, not for evil, but for good. Carlos Blanka will be the first of many—they shall march out of my laboratory . . . and . . . 

PeteSteele: Maybe in the first expansion, you know, if the base game sells well? Do you have other goals for the miniatures iteration of your franchise?

M.Bison: Sweep away every adversary, every creed, every nation, until the very planet is in the loving grip of the Pax Bisonica.

PeteSteele: Uhm . . . that’s kind of a lot. The printing costs would be exorbitant.

M.Bison: And then peace will reign, and the world, and all humanity, shall bow to me in humble gratitude.

PeteSteele: Welp . . . it’s good to have goals, I suppose. Anywho, if you, the reader, have a goal of playing in the Street Fighter universe in tabletop form, then check out Pete unboxing the core set of Street Fighter: The Miniatures Game (2021), designed by Alex Tune and Joe Vargas, illustrated by Gnomo Del Bosque and Mauricio Herrera, and published by Jasco Games. It takes the camp of this franchise to a whole new level and we could not be happier about it.

M.Bison: Game, OVER!
PeteSteele: Dude! They haven't played yet! Be cool!


Campy Creatures


Game Jargon Definition: "Dexterity Game"