Game Jargon Definition: “App-Assisted Game”

App-Assisted Game (noun). - app-as · sist · ed game / ap əˈsist əd ɡām /

App-assisted games are tabletop games with a companion application that can be used on one’s computer, tablet, phone, or other mobile device, but is not required in order to  engage in the full gaming experience. Contrast this with app-driven games, which are tabletop games with an accompanying application that is required in order to play the game as it was intended.

The apps in app-assisted games may provide additional story narrative, act as a type of administrator (often keeping track of game states and statistics for the players), or serve as an automated opponent.

While individual gamers have their own opinions on whether the development of tabletop games that employ apps is a positive (read more about this in App-Driven Game), one advantage of app-assisted games over app-driven games is that moving into the future, once an application is no longer supported, the game as a whole is still playable.


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