Ark Nova

Responsible stewardship of zoos is a tricky space to navigate: financially, logistically, morally, and ethically. Not only that, but the very existence of zoos might be a catch 22. Should humankind impose their stewardship on animals that may very well benefit from our help even though these animals can’t consent to it?

Is the existence of zoos a net win in that they are centers of research, education, medical care, and rescue—and can be leveraged to help humans better understand how to live equitably in various biomes with other creatures of Earth? Or are zoos a net loss, and ultimately we are imposing our will on living creatures who cannot sufficiently advocate for themselves in the wake of the human machine?

Join Pete as he unboxes Ark Nova (2021) designed by Mathias Wigge and published by Capstone Games, a game about building and running a responsible, ethical, and sustainable zoo. We truly hope that if this game does anything at all, it helps people understand just how pure and loving animals are and how we must learn to respect and cherish both them and the world we all inhabit together.


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