
Team leader: Eyes up. There are bots and corps all over this floor, Hodgkins. Be ready for extraction.

Hodgkins: Roger Wilco.

Team leader: We blow this joint in 20 seconds.

Guy on the Computer: I just need one more minute! One more minute! I just need one more minute to hack the mainframe.

New Kid: We don’t have a minute! There are bots and corps all over this floor!

Last Minute Replacement: Keep your cool, Kid. We won’t let anything happen to you.

Team leader: Cut the chatter. Blow open the mainframe. NOW!

Guy on the Computer: Do you want to come into the elevator shaft and do this?

If any of this dialogue rings true to you, you spent way too much time watching 1990s science fiction/thriller/action brain poison movies. Think about it: How many images are there in your mind of a computer screen showing the text “virus uploading” with a progress bar? Answer: A lot. 1990s movies took themselves so very seriously. A 21st century Christopher Nolan movie looks like a Marx Brothers movie compared to the deadpan seriousness of a 1990s Jean-Claude Van Damme or Emilio Estevez movie. Maybe the middle ground is a Michael Bay movie even though those have the emotional range of a stuffed gecko? No matter.

If running through the hallways on the 30th floor of a not-too-distant-corporate America megacomplex or having your buddy “hack the mainframe” while evading the detection of corporate drones with vaporizing lasers and truth serum injections is for you, Burncycle (2022), designed by Josh J. Carlson and Shannon Wedge and published by Chip Theory Games, might be for you, too.

Join Pete as he unboxes the latest and most elaborate Chip Theory Games production yet. It’s waterproof. It’s complete with hard plastic storage solutions. All in one box. Chip Theory Games seems to keep upping their production with every game they make. As magnificent a spectacle as this is, it doesn’t really seem sustainable. If they continue on this trajectory, we feel like we, by all rights, can expect that in five years’ time, the latest and greatest from Chip Theory Games will include a full-sized transforming Tesla. For now, check out what’s in a box of Burncycle. We can worry about the Autobot and Decepticon war later.


Podcast #20: Tables for One


Game Jargon Definition: “Quarterbacking”