Dominion: Allies

Dominion, Dominion, what can we say? We can say that you should join us as Pete unboxes the 14th expansion in the line: Dominion Allies, designed by Donald X. Vaccarino and published by Rio Grande Games. With 400 new cards, new tokens, and a mechanic in which you can leverage the new resource of “favors” to get allies to do cool stuff for you and expand your dominion (which is, as always, tallied up by your acquisition of victory points). Maybe feudal lords would’ve had a less bloody time if they had just gotten together around the table and tallied up their victory points. We’re joking, of course. That is not, shall we say, the “key learning” here. Rather, the key learning is that Dominion is still very much a relevant and supported game in the Rio Grande Games lineup. And it’s a key learning for anyone who wants to get into tabletop gaming. The point is: We like Dominion, and whether you do or not, maybe check out our unboxing of Allies.


Podcast #19: Realigning Alignment


Dune: Imperium—Rise of Ix