Foundations of Rome

Empires rise and fall. Certain modern multi-city states seem to be right on the edge these days. It’s not so much a matter of if, but when. Just another page in history. Turn the page. But when we are very lucky, before states collapse due to economic inequality, environmental destruction, invaders from afar, or corruption from within, one artist or another will create a replica of a former great empire for adult children to play with on a sprawling tabletop. I could get into the whole opiate of the gamers thing, but it’s best not to do a deep dive on Marxist theory in brief soundbites that are sewn together into well-whatever this is. No matter.

If you like the history of the building and falling of empires, Rome specifically, and you like incredible table presence, join Pete has he unboxes Foundations of Rome (2022) by Arcane Wonders, a magnificently splendid polyomino placement game with tons of plug and play modules for your specific level of gaming complexity desires.


Game Jargon Definition: “Player Character”


Game Jargon Definition: “Meat Shield”