Game Jargon Definition: “Lasersharking”

Lasersharking (verb) - la·ser·shark·ing /ˈlāzərSHärkiNG/

The practice of combining two (or more) “cool” elements (most commonly in role-playing games) in one setting, character, or game; based on the erroneous assumption that combining these things will result in something twice as cool. For example, allowing a wizard to summon Darth Vader or the marine from the Marathon computer game series into the world of Ravenloft. Unless the game master and players are specifically going for comedy, it is often too easy to go over-the-top, turning the end result into a ridiculous self-parody that cannot be taken seriously because the players’ suspension of disbelief has been disrupted, making it less cool and detracting from the gaming experience. The term “lasersharking” comes from the Austin Powers movies.


Game Jargon Definition: “Game Board”


Podcast #15: Don’t Cry For Me, MechWarrior