New! Game Previews

We are living in the golden age of tabletop gaming, indeed we are. A platitudinal statement, to be sure. We know it. You know it. We both know that we both know it. Everybody knows. At least it has the advantage of being true...if truth and facts still count for anything. Anyway. new games are coming out every month. Every week. Even during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. In the spirit of ever more tabletop gaming content, we here at Corax & Coffee have decided to expand our offerings by creating an entirely new content category called “Game Previews”, or “GP” for short…though we probably will not abbreviate it to “GP.”

For now, these GPs (darn it) will cover tabletop role-playing games. We have decided to preview these games in a written format because we believe one major barrier for people getting into a new role-playing game is understanding what a character and completed character sheet looks like in that particular game. So with that, we guarantee that each one of our role-playing game previews will come with a fully-created and fleshed-out character to give readers a better taste and flavor of what it is to enroll a character within a given game world. We plan on releasing a new preview for a role-playing game about once a month.

It is difficult (if not impossible) to do a full, in-depth review of every role-playing game that we might want because we believe that in order to do a review justice, we would have to play through a full length (ten-plus session) campaign. Due to circumstances beyond our control, time seems to be a limited thing for us mortals. We do hope to offer an occasional full-length role-playing game review. But given that there are so many phenomenal role-playing games out there, we want to provide the info we can to help players pick the best game for their gaming group. Check out our first GP (DARN IT): Keegan’s take on Mörk Borg, which you can read all about here.


Game Jargon Definition: “Dice Sacrifice”


Game Preview: Mörk Borg