Podcast #11: What to Expect When You're Expecting

What is a game? And what is a game…not? Can these be defined? Does it matter? In the Corax & Coffeecast season 2 premiere, show hosts Pete Steele and Rick Hendricks grapple with light topics such as existential loneliness, social distancing, and what it means to be a gamer during a prolonged period of global pandemic that has yet to take its final exit stage right. 

They briefly tussle over intellectual morsels such as what are the construct boundaries that define a “game,” differences between board games and video games, and the value of games as teaching and training tools. They spend some time reflecting on games they have played during the prolonged break between season one and season two. Finally, they wrap up the episode with Pete reflecting on some conversations with gamers in public spaces that he insists are real, but Rick challenges him on. Tune in for the season two premiere of Corax and Coffeecast. More content to come in short order.


Podcast #12: The Shoulders of Giants


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