Podcast #13: No Guessing in Fate

Have you been thinking for weeks, months, years—or maybe longer—that you would like to try your hand at a pencil-and-paper role-playing game, but didn’t know where to start? Were you worried that there were too many rules, too much math, and that it would just be an unpleasant slugfest? Well, you’re in luck, because today we are talking about all sorts of different role-playing games, some of which are rules and math heavy, and some of which, well, simply aren’t. And they’re just as wonderful, and in some cases, more so.

There are hundreds—even thousands—of published role-playing games, and while we couldn’t possibly cover them all in ten years of podcasting, we do emphasize that there is plenty of variation within this type of tabletop game for all people who have the slightest interest in either becoming a game master, or being a player in a campaign, or even just a one-off night of gaming.

Join Corax & Coffee hosts Pete Steele and Rick Hendricks as they discuss some math-heavy role-playing games such as Shadowrun and Dungeons & Dragons, as well as some narrative-heavy games such as Monsters and other Childish Things, The Burning Wheel, and Fate. In addition, Pete and Rick briefly touch on how easy it is to try a role-playing game in 45 minutes in the form of a micro RPG if you just want to dip your toe into the pond to see if it’s something you enjoy. So grab a cup of whatever you prefer to sip on, and join Pete and Rick as they discuss, not all, but a number of things having to do with role-playing games.


Game Jargon Definition: “Engine Builder”


Podcast #12: The Shoulders of Giants