Magnate: The First City

Have you looked at your life and thought, “Nah, this is too easy. I need more of a challenge. I need a simulation where I can get crushed in the gears of brutal real estate capitalism.” If so, Magnate: The First City (2021) might be exactly what you’ve been craving. It is a large box full of things, and stuff, and more things and stuff, and cards and things, and stuff . . . and overproduced things and stuff, and large quantities of billfolds and paper money—possibly spendable at places like Waffle House and Del Taco. Who knows?  But if you give it a try, we would love for you to leave a comment below and let us know how that turned out. Anyway, if you like things and stuff from quality components, as well as an automa opponent, check out Magnate: The First City.


Podcast #3: Something, Something Theme Song


Game Jargon Definition: “Character Sheet”