Podcast #7: Love the Player, Love the Game

Season 1: Episode 7

What type of gamer are you and what style of play do you use? On this episode of Corax and Coffeecast, Pete and Rick describe many different types of gamers, styles of play, and the motivations behind each—especially those categorized as “problem gamers” and “non-problem gamers.” Just like a “problem child,” Rick and Pete discuss the stereotypes of “problem gamers” and expand on how these labels may be misattributed and misinformed. Spoiler alert: motivations and context matters! We all have strengths; let’s try to lift each other up.

If you don’t know your gamer style yet, we encourage you to listen and find the one (or the few, depending on the setting) that fits best with you. Pete and Rick will even talk about their own gamer types—where do you think they land on the spectrum?


Game Jargon Definition: “Hexcrawl”

