Game Jargon Definition: “Breath Weapon”

Breath Weapon (noun) – breath wea·pon  / breTH ˈwepən /

Breath weapon is a type of ability or attack that is used by dragons in a number of fantasy-themed tabletop games, most notably the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. While the exact lore and specific mechanics vary from game system to game system and game edition to game edition, breath weapons are, generally, considered very dangerous attacks and something to be feared and avoided if at all possible. Of course, not all games that feature dragons have breath weapons; However, the majority of games that do feature dragons with breath weapons typically base the breath weapon type on the color of the dragon, as well as their ability, habitat, disposition, and so forth. For example, red dragons almost universally have a fire-based breath weapon where they can breathe or belch a line or cone of fire from their mouths. Similarly, it is quite common for: black dragons to spit or breathe acid, green dragons to breathe clouds of poisonous gas, blue dragons to breathe or shoot electrical charges or lightning, and white dragons to expel cones of cold air, snow, or ice.


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