Podcast #9: "It's a Teaching Game!"

Well, you did it. You convinced your non-gaming friend to come to game night for the first time. And now you, they, and the rest of your gaming friends are sitting around the gaming table. Now what? How do you make this wonderful hobby seem just as wonderful to someone who does not know the ropes? How and where should you begin? What are the dos, the don’ts, and the maybes? Join your hosts, Pete Steele and Rick Hendricks, as well as editor of all things and game enthusiast (but decidedly non-gamer), Sarah Vasa, as they discuss things related to the main event of game night, modeling how to win, playing with new people, debriefing after a game, and more, in the 9th episode of the 1st season of Corax and Coffeecast!


Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition


Game Jargon Definition: “Breath Weapon”