Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition

We live in the age of information. Thanks to the Internet, anything we want to learn about is simply a click away. But do you remember the fall of the Berlin Wall? The first moon landing? The Cuban Missile Crisis? What if you could stand, for a moment, just for a moment, on the deck of the Titanic as she slid into the freezing cold waters of the North Atlantic? What if you could witness the painting of the Sistine Chapel? Let’s go back further—much further. What if you could stand with Hannibal as he crossed the Alps? Be one of Cleopatra‘s advisers? Would you fight for Xerxes or Leonidas? What if you could watch Queen Dido establish the city-state of Carthage? What if you could help revitalize the culture and economy of China as a member of Empress Wu Zetian’s court? What if you could unite the known world alongside Alexander the Great or be the scribe of Sun Tzu? Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition (2021) is designed by Christian Marcussen and published by Wizkids. You can experience, in your own small way, any of these moments, and meet dozens of other leaders of civilizations throughout ancient history. Who will you lead? Who will your people become? Join your Corax & Coffee host, Pete Steele, for a truly epic—even monumental—board game unboxing video this week as he opens Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition.


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