Game Jargon Definition: “Dice Tray”

Dice Tray (noun) – dice tray /dīs trā/

A dice tray provides a contained and flat surface to allow for dice to be rolled during a game without becoming cocked. Additionally, it provides a mutually-agreed upon area for dice to be rolled in order to be considered legal and legitimate rolls. Dice trays can be used to prevent rules and perspectives conflicts over dice roll results and to discourage dice roll tampering (e.g. rolling dice off a particular surface in an attempt to get a specific result or to obfuscate the result of a roll and make a potentially questionable claim about the result).

Dice trays, like dice, come in all shapes, sizes, styles, and colors. Some are better matched than others. It is best practice to clarify dice rules and expectations with all players before beginning a game.


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