Fearsome Wilderness

Remember the old-timey historical figures and characters of frontier folklore? You know, the ones that have run out their copyrights if they ever had them at all? Like Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox, Calamity Jane, and Johnny Appleseed. Exactly them, actually. Well, imagine all these folk heroes mashed up together and thrown into their own collective nightmare—or maybe it’s just the stories about them that we never heard. Or maybe you simply like to throw happy folktale heroes into your own twisted imagination. Whatever the context, Fearsome Wilderness (2020) has your back. Designed by Matt Cross, illustrated by Bud Wheeler and Willis Harrower, and published by Geektopia Games, Fearsome Wilderness seemingly dumps these folk heroes into the worlds of Donnie Darko and Van Helsing for a harrowing campaign of adventure and survival. Join Pete as he unboxes this box of adventure filled with monsters, fear, loneliness, and a large well that seems to be at the center of the campaign. Let’s do a dive and see how far we fall. At your own risk, though, because ropes and water buckets may not be included.


Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile


Game Jargon Definition: “Dice Tray”