Game Jargon Definition: “Ability Scores”

Ability Scores (noun) - abi · li · ty scores /əˈbilədē skôrz/

Numerical values used to describe the level of various characteristics or abilities a character has in a game. Almost universally, the higher an ability score, the more proficient the character is in that particular domain of abilities. Over the course of play, as a character increases in experience and power, one or more ability scores may incrementally increase. However, this depends entirely on the specific game system that is being played as well as the particular understanding and rules of the gaming group. Different game systems have different numbers of ability scores as well as different ranges. For example, Dungeons & Dragons uses six ability scores, covering the areas of strength, wisdom, dexterity, constitution, charisma, and intelligence.


Cosmic Odyssey


Game Jargon Definition: “Critical Failure”