Cosmic Odyssey

No, we didn’t think of it. No, we didn’t wish for it. But the fine folks in the bowels of Fantasy Flight R&D sure did, and they made it, and It. Is. HERE. And now…we WANT it. That’s right, all you kids who have spent time in the Warp: We have a NEW expansion for the beloved Cosmic Encounter (2008), Cosmic Odyssey (2022). This is the latest in a long line of expansions for Cosmic Encounter, starting with Cosmic Incursion (2010), then Cosmic Conflict (2011), with Cosmic Alliance (2012) following right behind, Cosmic Storm (2013), and then Cosmic Dominion (2014). And then…nothing…until Cosmic Encounter Duel (2020), for which I believe the entire Fantasy Flight R&D team should have been sent to the Warp.

All of these games and expansions could simply have been named “Cosmic Absurdity” but (A) that would have been confusing, and (B) it would have been a banal divulgence of the subtext of the game. Join Pete as he unboxes Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Odyssey. The box is full of module bits of things and stuff as well as stuff and things. Use what you want in your game, and send the remaining components to, well, you know the rest of it (to the Warp. To the Warp. Send the remaining components to the Warp. Wow, having faith in your readers to pick up on subtext is hard).


Game Preview: Monsterhearts 2


Game Jargon Definition: “Ability Scores”