Black Fleet

We pirates understand that the world keeps changing all around us. In fact, we be understanding that better than most. Life on the water be staying the same, but how quickly the world changes when turning into any port. And we humble pirates, for the most part, accept this truth, but we must remind you that with all this change, it be important to honor the olde ways, lest we forget where we came from and let treasure of olde be lost to the murky depths. One of the classics best not forgotten be Black Fleet (2014), by Sebastian Bleasdale and the Cowboys of Outer Space. A silly game of pirates and piracy (that be us). And what’s more—it be not allowing our humor be lost to the murky depths.

Tragedy of the sea and fates it be, Black Fleet no longer be available in just any port. Ye and ye crew will be tasked with setting sail for the end of the world to acquire a thing such as that. But, fear not, as for the persistent crew, er, “gaming group,” one might find a copy in the hold of a sunken ship—er “secondary market.” Join our captain, Pete, as he be unboxing Black Fleet, a mechanically inferior game as compared to some, but certainly worthy of play while you down a pint with your mates and laugh raucously in the captain’s quarters—or at ye gaming table.


Game Jargon Definition: “Hand Limit”


Sea of Legends