Sea of Legends

We’ve sailed to the edge of the world and back, dived into the depths and come back into port to eat, drink, be merry, and tell the tale, but never did we think in our humble lifetimes that we would see such witchcraft as shiny glowing metals that reflected back tales of our own lives. These “tablets” and “apps” as they be called, send a shiver down our spines. And yet, these be the most valued bobbles and treasures of many land-loving folk who spend their time in basements, coffee shops, and ale houses.

Us pirates have tried these apps between raids and we found them to be somewhat enthralling. Avast, they seem to have a fatal flaw: they be working no longer once they spend time at all in the salt of the seas. So join Captain “Brown (but silvering) Beard” Pete as he sails off to the strange land beyond the horizon of Sea of Legends (2021), writed by mates Ryan Schapals, Zach Weisman, Jordan Weisman, Michael Kindt Dalzen, and built at the Guildhall Studios Shipyards.


Black Fleet


Game Jargon Definition: “Pirate Game”