Game Jargon Definition: “Dice Modification”

Dice Modification (noun) - dice mod·i·fi·ca·tion /dīs mä-də-fə-ˈkā-shən/

Dice modification is the process of taking any die that is theoretically fair, and altering it in some way so that it will more likely roll in favor of the player. This may include shaving off sides of a die with higher faces to facilitate it rolling onto that face; or drilling out part of the interior of the die and filling it with lighter (or heavier) material in order to modify the statistical likelihood of certain dice outcomes to the benefit of the player. Dice modification, when done without disclosing this fact to other players, is under no uncertain circumstances a form of cheating and is prohibited almost universally at gaming tournaments, conventions, and gaming groups.




Game Jargon Definition: “Ludology”