
Well, it happened. Again. Some malevolent extraterrestrial race invaded Earth. And yes, they have an overwhelming technological advantage. And yes, you and a small band of other humans are humanity’s only hope.

You must band together and fight back against the alien invasion and reclaim what humans believe (in a profoundly unexamined way) to be theirs. But to be honest, humans would be doing the same thing, if given the opportunity. Colonization is something we know well. We’re not morally limited, just technologically limited. We’ve been doing the same thing on a smaller scale on one silly planet for as long as we have existed.

But it’s best to not concern yourself with such minutiae. Instead, concern yourself with the minutiae of artistic vision and graphic design. Concern yourself with the fact that this board game is orange. Orange is awesome. The box and the components within are designed in a 1960s comic book style. That’s also awesome. Join Pete as he unboxes Faza (2020), designed by Benjamin Farahmand and published by M3ntor LLC. That’s probably much more our speed as members of a limited, carbon-based, ugly-bags-of-mostly-water-type species.




Game Jargon Definition: “Deck Construction”