Game Jargon Definition: “Gamer Etiquette”

Gamer Etiquette (noun) - gam‧er et‧i‧quette / ˈɡāmər ˈedəkət /

“Gamer etiquette” consists of the rules, expectations, or customs that guide social behavior in a gaming group while playing a game together. Gamer etiquette can also be referred to as “gamer group etiquette,” “table etiquette,” or “table rules.” (“Table rules” should not be confused with the term “house rules,” which means an agreed upon departure from the written rules of a game.)

Gamer etiquette, like any other form of etiquette, is entirely culturally and group dependent. What is considered rude or unacceptable in one group may be seen as acceptable and routine in another, and says much more about the group that imposes or forgoes such standards than it does about an individual who might violate said standards, especially if they are unaware of them. This is why having clear, written, and (hopefully) agreed upon gamer etiquette among gaming group peers is highly recommended so as to keep everyone happy and spend group time on the purpose of the group: gaming.

As such, it is highly recommended that each gaming group make the expectations of gamer etiquette transparent, explicit, and open to some level of interpretation, flexibility, and negotiation among group members when possible. Groups will ultimately have to decide what rules of etiquette they are going to conform to as well as to what level of flexibility they will have around them. Ultimately, individuals will have to say for themselves if agreeing with and conforming to a group’s rules of gamer etiquette is personally acceptable to them.

A given gaming group could essentially make anything a rule or standard of etiquette around the gaming table, and therefore it is impossible to give a comprehensive list here. That being said, what follows is a list of topics that are worth considering:

  • The consumption of food, drink, or other substances

  • Standards and practices for handwashing before handling game components

  • The use of cell phones or other electronic devices at the gaming table

  • Table talk

  • Personal hygiene

  • Tardiness on game night

  • Shoes on or off policy when game is hosted in someone’s private home

  • Rules for interpreting cocked dice

  • Consensus on house rules if any are to be used

  • Swearing or other coarse or potentially offensive language or humor

  • Non-discrimination standards

  • Deciding which games will be played

  • Zero tolerance policy (or other policy) for cheating


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