
Chaos Warriors and Dread Warriors? Fistfuls of quality minis ready to be primed and painted (or to stand on their own)? How about a game board with an easy-to-follow set-up for scenarios that can be strung together into a campaign? Or a wonderful gateway dungeon crawler that is so critically needed in a space that is full of complex dungeon crawlers? A return to 1980s nostalgia gaming? If any—or all—of the above sounds good to you then you may enjoy the 2021 reprint of HeroQuest: a childhood favorite and gateway game for many gamers, and now available on the primary market. (Yes, there is an IP concession by changing “Chaos Warriors” to “Dread Warriors,” as well as other changes.)

HeroQuest 2021 may just serve as a gateway game to a whole new generation of fantasy and dungeon crawling gaming enthusiasts. (And better to keep your dungeon crawling to the gaming table…you know…because modern dungeon crawling really just means trying to break into the New York Federal Reserve building. That might be problematic unless you do some serious leveling up first. We do not recommend it.)

Come along with Pete as he picks through all of the boxes that were included in the Mythic Tier pledge for HeroQuest (2021, Hasbro) while it was still being crowdfunded. And who knows? We might stumble across something more valuable than gold. Like, old memories of playing the 1989 version and the possibility of new memories to be built around the gaming table.


Podcast #16: If You Squint a Bit, Baseball’s a LARP


Game Jargon Definition: “Game Board”