Podcast #18: Expanse of Expansions

Sometimes more is wanted. Sometimes more is better. Sometimes more is needed. And sometimes…more is just…more. Join Pete and Rick as they discuss the very nature of tabletop game expansions. For several decades now, a tabletop game is no longer just a poorly-produced, self-contained, half-baked soufflé in a box, replete with single-sided money, sharp corner cardboard cards prepped and ready for bending, and a hodgepodge of component materials (cheap plastics, flaking metals, and unfinished wooden bits) that, honestly—make no sense together. Designers, developers, and publishers have become smart to the idea that quality games are upgradable, customizable, expandable, and organizable.

In this episode, Pete and Rick spend their air time wading through how to process, curate, and interact with all of the many of the ways that tabletop games now become…more. Often for the better, but not always. So have a listen and expand your horizons about what it means to be a player, collector, and consumer in the ever-expanding hobby of tabletop games.


Game Jargon Definition: “Armor Class”


Stars of Akarios