Stars of Akarios

You are a starship pilot in training at the prestigious Akarios Institute. With worlds to explore, people to meet, adventures to be had. So, what’s not to love? Oh yes, hordes of aliens trying to kill you and everyone you know. Be grateful for what you have, we suppose. Things can always get worse. Welcome to Stars of Akarios (2022), designed by Brendan McCaskell and Jonathan Thwaites and published by OOMM Games. Stars of Akarios is not just a narrative-driven dungeon crawler in space (space crawler?), but a massive one, with just shy of 150 different scenarios, loads of ships and pilots to play and replay, and massive numbers of ship upgrades. This is basically Gloomhaven in space.

Horrifying aliens and the constant existential threat of annihilation—Keegan‘s jam. Narrative-driven story—Rick’s jam. Tons of lasers, laser cannons, laser cannon things, and stacks and stacks of cards—Pete’s jam. Join us as we unbox the Stars of Akarios base game and the Ships of Akarios miniatures expansion. Plus, we’ll showcase the premium neoprene playmat add-on. All in one unboxing video.


Podcast #18: Expanse of Expansions


Game Jargon Definition: “Dice Punishment”