Skull Tales: Full Sail!

Rick: Oh my gosh, what fresh hell is this? Are you wrapping yourself in toilet paper to look like a puffy-shirt-pirate?

Pete: Aye, Matey! This be me getting ready for another unboxing video!

Rick: Dude, can’t we just say, “Hey everyone. This game looks cool. Check out all of the pretty pieces and have a good day?”

Pete: No matey! That be lacking thematic adventure. Arrr!

Rick: You do realize that these pirate-themed games are full of historical inaccuracies and oversights, don’t you? Being a pirate was not a thrilling, romantic life, what with the scurvy, the typhoid, and constantly being hunted by the authorities the world over.

Pete: Ye be yammering at the mouth again. And since that be the case, a month’s worth of scrubbing the decks and cleaning the bilge for ye!

Rick: If that’s the modern gaming equivalent of taking the cup on top of the kallax that’s gotten full up of stray game components and figuring out which games all of those lost souls go to, I did that last night. You’re welcome.

Pete: Aye, there be many components in the game Skull Tales: Full Sail! (2019), thought up by David Illescas and conjured to our lands and seas by Eclipse Editorial.

Rick: You do realize this is not sustainable, right? Just make sure all the components go back in the box when you’re done.


Game Jargon Definition: “Pirate Game”


Game Jargon Definition: “4x Game”