Game Jargon Definition: “4x Game”

An abbreviation for “Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate.” These are the four fundamental characteristics of a subgenre of strategy-based games where gameplay involves building an empire or civilization—typically with a strong military component along with economic and technological development. In many 4x games, the political, technological, and economic domains are at least as important (if not more important) than the militaristic domains of the game.

Within the 4x context, “explore” refers to players exploring a map whose features were previously hidden; “expand” refers to players claiming new territory by extending their social, political, cultural, or military influence; “exploit” refers to players gaining new and additional resources in the areas that they expanded into and often making better or more efficient use of said resources; and “exterminate” refers to attacking and eliminating rival players. In recent years, however, because player elimination has become less and less of a desired game feature in board games with long play times, many modern “4x” games have toned down or replaced the “exterminate” aspects of games.

On the spectrum of all board games, 4x games tend to have longer play times and more complex rules, require more players for the play experience to be everything it can be, and to be more expensive in terms of dollars. Naturally there is variability within all of these domains, as well as exceptions. Another consideration before buying a 4x game is the setting. In what kind of environment do you want to play? Many 4x games have science fiction, fantasy, or historical settings. Selecting a 4x game that meets your tastes in all of these domains will certainly impact your enjoyment of it.

Some examples of 4x games are: Space Empires 4X (2011); Archipelago (2012);  Forbidden Stars (2015); Star Trek: Ascendancy (2016); Civilization: A New Dawn (2017); Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition (2017); Empires of the Void II (2018); and Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition (2021).


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